COVID - 19


In an effort to control the spread of COVID-19 and to keep Canadians safe, many travel restrictions have been implemented. Most foreign nations cannot travel to Canada even if they have valid visas. Some exceptions do apply as these travel restrictions are to stop mostly non-essential travel to Canada.

Who is permitted to travel to Canada while the travel restrictions are in place?

While the travel restrictions are in place, the following individuals may be permitted to travel to Canada:

  • Canadian citizens;

  • Canadian permanent residents;

  • Those registered under the Canadian Indian Act;

  • Protected persons; and

  • Foreign nationals, including US citizens, only if they are eligible.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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What are the eligibility requirements for foreign nationals to travel to Canada?

Foreign nationals, including US citizens, may be permitted to travel to Canada if they have immediate family members who are Canadian citizens or Canadian permanent residents and they:

  • Will be staying in Canada for at least 15 days; or

  • Will be travelling to Canada for an essential purpose.

The foreign national must prove that their immediate family member is a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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What are the eligibility requirements for foreign nationals travelling to Canada directly from the USA?

If travelling directly from the USA, foreign nationals, including US citizens, may be permitted to travel to Canada if they are travelling from the USA and meet the following requirements:

  • Their travel to Canada is for an essential purpose; or

  • They will be staying in Canada for at least 15 days and have an immediate family member who is a Canadian permanent resident or a Canadian citizen.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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Which foreign nationals are exempt from the travel restrictions if not travelling directly from the USA to Canada?

Foreign nationals who are not travelling to Canada directly from the USA but from another country may be exempt from the travel restrictions if they are:

  • Temporary foreign workers who are coming to Canada for an essential purpose;

  • International students who:

    • Have a valid study permit; or

    • Were approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020;

  • Permanent residents whose applications were approved on or before March 18, 2020 but have not travelled to Canada yet;

  • Immediate family members of temporary residents of Canada who have been given written authorization from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to reunite with their family in Canada. Immediate family members include:

    • Spouse or common-law partners;

    • Dependent child or a dependent child of a dependent child;

    • Parent or step-parent; and

    • Guardian or tutor.

    Immediate family members must prove that their travel to Canada is essential;

  • Passengers who are transiting through Canada to get to their final destinations (they must remain in the secure transit area of the Canadian airport where they are transiting through);

  • Any person who:

    • Does not post a significant harm to public health and who will provide an essential service to Canada;

    • Is coming to Canada at the invitation of the Minister of Health to assist with COVID-19;

    • Is coming to Canada for the purpose of making medical deliveries;

  • Members of the:

    • Canadian forces and their immediate family members;

    • Visiting forces and their immediate family members; and

    • Department of National Defence and their immediate family members;

  • Accredited diplomats and their immediate family members;

  • Air crew members or Marine crew members; or

  • French citizens who live in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and during the 14 days prior to the day they seek to enter Canada have only been in Canada, USA, or Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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I am showing symptoms of COVID-19 but I am exempt from the travel restrictions. Will I be allowed to travel to Canada?

No, if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, you will not be permitted to travel to Canada even if you are exempt from the travel restrictions.

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I am in Canada and my temporary residence permit expired (study, work or visitor). What do I do?

Normally, if eligible, students, visitors and temporary foreign workers in Canada have 90 days after their permit expires to restore their status. Although foreign nationals have been encouraged to renew their status to maintain legal status in Canada throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, IRCC has recognized that the Pandemic has impacted the foreign national’s ability to provide complete applications and IRCC’s ability to process them. Therefore, IRCC has implemented a new public policy for foreign nationals whose status expired after January 30, 2020 and remained in Canada to submit an application on or before December 31, 2020 to restore their status.

Former work-permit holders who are applying for an employer-specific work permit may work while their restoration application is being processed if they have a valid job offer and submit an application for a work permit that is supported by a LMIA or have an LMIA exempt job offer.

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Can I travel to Canada while the travel restrictions are in place if I have a valid visitor visa (or an Electronic Travel Authorization) and my immediate family member is in Canada on a temporary visa?

No, unless the visitor’s travel to Canada is for an essential purpose and they have obtained written authorization from IRCC prior to their anticipated travel to Canada, they will not be permitted to travel to Canada to reunite with their immediate family member who is in Canada on a temporary visa.

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Can I travel to Canada while the travel restrictions are in place if I have a valid visitor visa (or an Electronic Travel Authorization) and my immediate family member is a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident?

Yes, a visitor visa holder may travel to Canada if their immediate family member is a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident if they can prove the immigration status of their immediate family member, and:

  • Will be staying in Canada for at least 15 days; or

  • Will be travelling to Canada for an essential purpose.

Visitor visa holders who have immediate family members who are Canadian citizens or Canadian permanent residents do not need written authorization from IRCC prior to travelling to Canada.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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I have a study permit. Can I travel to Canada?

If the study permit was approved on or before March 18, 2020, you may be exempt from the travel restrictions and permitted to travel to Canada.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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I am in Canada on a study permit. Can my immediate family member who has a valid visitor visa (or an Electronic Travel Authorization) travel to Canada to visit me while the travel restrictions are in place?

No, unless your immediate family member is travelling to Canada for an essential purpose and has obtained written authorization from IRCC to travel to Canada prior to their anticipated travel to Canada, your immediate family member will not be permitted to travel to Canada to reunite with you.

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I am an international student and my in-class courses have been moved to on-line only due to COVID-19. Will that affect my eligibility for a Post-Graduate Work Permit?

Your eligibility for a Post Graduate Work Permit will not be affected if your in-class courses have been moved to an online-only format due to COVID-19.

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I have a Canadian work permit/visa. Can I travel to Canada?

If the work permit/visa was issued on or before March 18, 2020, you may be exempt from the travel restrictions and permitted to travel to Canada.

All travelers must have a Quarantine Plan that shows they will quarantine in Canada for 14 days after their arrival in Canada, unless they are exempt from the quarantine requirements.

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I am in Canada on a work permit. Can my immediate family member who has a valid visitor visa (or an Electronic Travel Authorization) travel to Canada to visit me while the travel restrictions are in place?

No, unless your immediate family member is travelling to Canada for an essential purpose and has obtained authorization from IRCC to travel to Canada prior to their anticipated travel to Canada, your immediate family member will not be permitted to travel to Canada to reunite with you.

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